Chris Pilz

Since his childhood, Chris has been a big fan of the Star Wars movies (only three at that time). From the very beginning he was excited lightsaber, an elegant and somehow mystical weapon which can only be used by a few chosen ones. When he first spotted a FX-lightsaber on Ebay, there was nothing that could have stopped him. He joined Team Saberproject in 2010 and can now finally live out his hobby.

Within the team he is mainly responsible for writing and texts in general. Chris writes most of the announcements and daily reports of our events as well as other interesting news. In addition he has taken over the responsibility for planning, coordinating and implementing our regular updates on the website. Naturally he is also part of our stage shows, in which he primarily focuses on using a single lightsaber, and – at least in the recent programs – represents the light side of the force.

More about Chris

Star Wars, seine Charaktere, Lichtschwerter, Kostüme und alle damit verbundenen Gegenstände sind das geistige Eigentum von Lucasfilm.© 1977-2025 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM und ®. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Nutzung mit Genehmigung. Alle Inhalte dieser Seite sind © Saberproject 2006-2025