Stefan Müller

AgeE-MailMember since
40stefan@saberproject.deFebruary 2016

Your job at SP?

technic control during the stage performances, managing of the association funds

Your best memory together with the Team?

There are too many to name just one! Starting with the first tests of the Saberproject Surrounds (SPS) up to the most diffrent events.

Three things that you don't want to miss at an event?

Lightsabers, the SPS and a huge sound system

Why actually Lightsabers?

Lightsabers are visually and acoustically individual and unique

How did you become part of the team?

I came into the team by a great coincidence. At a workmate known as a "tinkerer", I was recommended to the Team Saberproject as a developer for the Saberproject Surround (SPS) and then everything got started...

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