13th anniversary of SP - News Flash #1

April 11th is always a holiday for us. Back in 2006 the team was founded on this date, that means we look back on 13 years of Saberproject!

Find out more about our team history and its members in our new video as well as you can join us.

We are also very happy that our new website is online! And since you're reading this news, you're already in our new home. So we welcome you, have a look around!

The page is still a bit WIP and only a starting point, in the next weeks more sections and a lot of content will follow. We are happy to finally be able to show you more about lightsabers in a whole new way. The page is optimized for web and mobile, so we can always accompany you.

Many thanks to all our companions, we are very happy that we are now starting the fourteenth year of Saberproject together!

Star Wars, seine Charaktere, Lichtschwerter, Kostüme und alle damit verbundenen Gegenstände sind das geistige Eigentum von Lucasfilm.© 1977-2025 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM und ®. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Nutzung mit Genehmigung. Alle Inhalte dieser Seite sind © Saberproject 2006-2025