Der Schwertmeister
Everyone who saw the Making-Ofs of the prequels knows Nick Gillard as the stunt coordinator of the fast and agile lightsaber fights. For our founding members exactly those Making-Ofs were the base of inspiration for their own lightsaber choreographies.
From the get go we wanted to interpret exactly that style and present it in our shows. The natural, organic seeming movements are described by Nick as chess, during which both players are permanently keeping themselves in a chess-position: „They can only parry there, they can only attack there. The moves are so natural or so correct, that’s the only place they can be.” That quote summarizes our way of fighting compactly.
Prior to the celebration of our 10th anniversary in 2016 we contacted Nick, telling him about our journey and activities in the Star Wars Fandom. Just like that a wish came true for us: Nick Gillard, our great inspiration and role model visited us for a long weekend.
We learned a lot about lightsaber combat, Insider information and benefited from Nicks knowledge and experience in a “Master Class”.
Tim led an elaborate interview with Nick about his life and career:
An extensive report about his visit can be found in our reports.